Discover How to Become a Part of Someone Else's Business... Practically Without Leaving Them Any Other Option.
Something in the Style of "The Tulsa King" but...
More "Friendly." :)

Warning: What you're about to learn next can change the way you acquire
new subscribers, customers, and sales.

Getting into Someone's Else Business:
Let's cut to the chase, as you likely want to spring into action quickly. In summary, you can engage in someone else's business (in this case, product launches) by incorporating a 'Bonus' into their offer.
Take a Look:
Take a Look:

Sounds Easy? Go ahead, try It.
Give it a try. Look at launches on MunchEye, and you'll see how many vendors
open the doors for you to place your Bonus.
I tried it dozens of times, and it didn't work.
They don't open the doors.
They don't invite you to their party.
open the doors for you to place your Bonus.
I tried it dozens of times, and it didn't work.
They don't open the doors.
They don't invite you to their party.

That's what happened to me over and over again and I've got countless slaps
in the face...
Until I tried what i call the 'Tulsa approach".
in the face...
Until I tried what i call the 'Tulsa approach".
See The Strategy In Action:

1 Negotiation = 148 New Customers and Ongoing
Sales With Minimal Effort.
Sales With Minimal Effort.
The method you're about to learn is one I recently used with very positive results
(and i have more deals on the way), which I'm sharing here.
Take a Look:
(and i have more deals on the way), which I'm sharing here.
Take a Look:

The "Tulsa Approach": An Offer "They Can't Refuse".

After changing my strategy, i've got my first deal (and there are more on the way).
This brought new customers and sales which i still see come in...
This brought new customers and sales which i still see come in...

This negotiation alone gave me 148 new customers + nearly $1k in sales
(backend offer sales and related offers sales).
(backend offer sales and related offers sales).
Everything Without Having to Deal with Boring Things:
- Didn't Have to Create the Main Product.
- Didn't Have to Contact Affiliates (Sometimes is Hard to Find Affiliates to Promote Your Products!)
- Didn't Have to Create the Sales Page.
- Didn't Have to Care of the Product Launch Itself.
If You're Starting (as Affiliate / Seller),
This is Your Best Choice.
If you're a new affiliate on platforms like WarriorPlus or JVZoo, it's challenging for vendors to allow you to promote their products because you don't have any sales yet, and they can't assess your reputation.
Sorry but this is a fact. Take a look:
Sorry but this is a fact. Take a look:

And if you're about to launch your first product, getting affiliates to promote your product
may also not be an easy task as affiliates don't know you.
may also not be an easy task as affiliates don't know you.

So, that's how things stand (It's a real uphill battle).
Experienced affiliate?
The only reason to promote someone should be
if you can also be a part of their business.
The only reason to promote someone should be
if you can also be a part of their business.
Promoting products or services "just because they are good" or offer high commissions
shouldn't be enough. That's the typical way an affiliate views things.
They promote stuff instead of "becoming part of a business" and only take
a small slice of the cake.
shouldn't be enough. That's the typical way an affiliate views things.
They promote stuff instead of "becoming part of a business" and only take
a small slice of the cake.

If you think about it, by doing so, you're missing out on strong cards that could be used to
negotiate your way into someone else's business...
... with a backend bonus that could bring you a multitude of new customers and
backend sales (in addition to your affiliate commissions of course).
negotiate your way into someone else's business...
... with a backend bonus that could bring you a multitude of new customers and
backend sales (in addition to your affiliate commissions of course).
Just take a minute to meditate about this.

Keep this in Mind:
In affiliate marketing, you're not just promoting products;
you're also a negotiator.
Being a Negotiator should be your MAIN role.
Let me sketch out some numbers to give you an example of the difference between both
approaches (a regular affiliate and one that negotiates a backend bonus) and what we're talking about.
approaches (a regular affiliate and one that negotiates a backend bonus) and what we're talking about.

And this is just a small example! You coud perfectly get a deal for a launch that brings you
+500 new subscribers and thousands in backend sales!
+500 new subscribers and thousands in backend sales!
---> No Affiliate Stats to Show to Other Sellers? Don't worry at all.
You Won't Need that. Inside the eBook i'll also show you how to deal with this.
See? The "Tulsa Approach" is Your Smartest Option.
The "Tulsa Approach" is your best option, regardless of whether:
- You're a new affiliate or an experienced one.
- You're a new vendor on platforms like WarriorPlus or JVZoo.
- You have a product to sell or not.
- You're a complete unknown in the industry.
This is a way of shifting your mindset from "affiliate mode" or "vendor mode" to thinking in terms of creating agreements with vendors who are ready to open the doors to countless new customers and sales that will come in the shadows.
All of this without having to deal with complex launches, customer support,
and a multitude of boring issues that few people care about.
and a multitude of boring issues that few people care about.

See What's Inside "The Tulsa Approach"
"The Tulsa Approach" eBook

Here's a Quick Summary of What's Covered in the "The Tulsa Approach":
- The Tulsa Approach: Change Your Vision.
- How To Prepare a "Tulsa Offer" They Can't Refuse.
- How To Choose Your Targets Wisely.
- Promoting an Offer Without a List.
- Getting Ready for Bigger Deals.
All the topics are covered: You'll learn how to secure a deal quickly and effectively, tips to structure a hot sales funnel, how to scale your business, and much more!
MODULES #2 to #4
Acquire the Tools Necessary to Gain a Clearer Perspective, Improve Your Organization and Grow.
"The Tulsa Approach" Checklist, Spreadsheet and Mindmap.

With Your Purchase You're Also Getting...
- "The Tulsa Approach" Checklist.
- "The Tulsa Approach" Spreadsheet.
- "The Tulsa Approach" Mindmap.
Solidify concepts, plan campaigns, track results, and keep the big picture in mind. We provide you with various modules to make it all achievable.
It's a Full Package That Includes Everything That You Need To Boost Your Business In No Time.
Don't Miss It.
See You Inside!

As The FTC Rules Require, We Want To Let You Know That Results Are Not Typical.
This ebook provides insights and strategies to enhance online sales. While we have made efforts to ensure the information's accuracy, results may vary based on factors beyond our control. We do not guarantee specific outcomes. Your success depends on your skills, dedication, and market conditions.
You are solely responsible for any actions you take based on this material. We do not endorse third-party websites or products linked in this ebook.
Before implementing strategies, consult professionals and research to align them with your goals. By using this ebook, you agree to these terms.
This ebook provides insights and strategies to enhance online sales. While we have made efforts to ensure the information's accuracy, results may vary based on factors beyond our control. We do not guarantee specific outcomes. Your success depends on your skills, dedication, and market conditions.
You are solely responsible for any actions you take based on this material. We do not endorse third-party websites or products linked in this ebook.
Before implementing strategies, consult professionals and research to align them with your goals. By using this ebook, you agree to these terms.
Frequently Asked Questions.
What Do I Need to Implement This Strategy?
You need an autoresponder (Aweber, Getresponse etc), a WarriorPlus.com account. You also need to know how to create a sales funnel for the backend funnel.
Do You Have a Money Back Guarantee?
Yes, 15 days. If you're not happy with our material, contact us and we'll refund your purchase.
I Have Zero Subscribers in My List. Can I Do It?
Yes. That doesn't matter (i'll show you how to deal with that).
Does it include Resale Rights?
No. The material is for your personal use only.
Can We Help You?
If you need assistance with something, please open a ticket here: http://www.dominateit.com/support
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