Case Study: +600 Subscribers + Multiple Sales with a Quick No-Code App.
Let Me Go Straight to the Point...
I want to go straight to the point as (the name of a book that i've read long time ago)... "Speed is Life".
I'll show you how i've got +600 new subscribers (all "Buyers") and multiple sales without:
  • Doing My Own Launch.
  • Having to Contact Affiliates.
  • SEO.
  • Pay Per Click or Facebook Ads.
  • Social Marketing Stuff (I don't like it at all).
  • Paid Advertising etc etc.
Creating an App and Offering it as a Backend Bonus For Other People's Launches.
In short, I've seen a launch that was going to take place in a couple of weeks (you can go to to see them), and I contacted the seller offering an app (which I created within an hour or so – I'll show you how you can also create your own apps even faster) that he could add as a bonus to the offer.
The seller loved the idea (a software app is always a good bonus) and the results were awesome.
I've got +600 new customers and multiple sales (i've created a pro version and sold it as an upsell for a couple of bucks). Everything without spending a single dime.
Tip #1: WarriorPlus is great for this. You can create an offer with your free product and upsells included, then send the 'Free Access' button to the seller so he can add it to their download page.
Tip #2: It's also good to offer the seller 50% on every backend sale from your funnel. This will increase your chances of getting accepted (you could also use WarriorPlus for this).
The good news: You can now create similar apps like the one that i've used (and in less time)
+ use them in many ways:
  • Create (and Sell) Your Own Products.
  • Create Upsells For Them.
  • Create Lite Versions (to use as Lead Magnet).
  • Sell Resale Rights.
  • Sell White Label Copies of Your Products.
  • Sell the Service to Other People.
  • Create JV Deals.
  • Offer it as a Bonus For Your Offers / Affiliate Offers.
  • Sell Websites + Your Apps.
  • + More.
Everything without writing a single line of code!
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